Introduction of the Rotary Screw Air Compressor

Introduction of the Rotary Screw Air Compressor

Rotary Screw Air Compressor works by trapping air between two interlocked rotors and decreasing the volume of that stucked air and its moves down to the rotors when the volume of compressed is reduced then used as a powerful tool and for numerous other applications. There are many uses of air compressor in industry wise also.

History of Rotary Screw Air Compressor.

There is a big history of Rotary Screw Air compressors. The Rotary screw air Compressor was before called twin rotary screw compressor and developed in 1980.

So Why Have They Named Twin Rotary Screw Compressors? 

Twin Rotary Screw Air Compressor

There are two-element are present in the rotary compressor which is a male and female element. The twin element in the compressor rotated in opposite direction in the Rotary screw air compressor. The Air fills a space between the two rotors squeezing or compressing the air into smaller space.

Reciprocating Air Compressor vs Rotary Screw Air Compressor. 

There are many types of air compressors like reciprocating air compressors and also called piston air compressors. This air compressor’s job is to take compressed air in a smaller space and then compress it to a receiver tank. The Reciprocating air compressor is more expensive than another compressor. That’s the reason everyone chooses the rotary air compressor. A rotary screw air compressor is worked by compressing the air between two rotors and giving adequate pressure.

Reciprocating Air Compressor Parts.


The heart of the air compressor is the air end and it is made of lots of components.

Mainly air end is just one part of an air compressor system and the air is compressed oil will enter the air end through an inlet valve then the oil is subsequently separated from the compressed air. Not only air Air ends many additional Components are needed to make a rotary screw air compressor work.

What Are the Other Common Components?

Air Filter

The Compressed air enters the compressor and that’ll affect the longevity of the air compressor system. So always remember about a suited air filter is needed for airflow in an air compressor.

The air filter can be scaled directly to the compressor or mounted and attached to an air input hose. The location of the filter should be considered as cool clean air.

Separator Tank Primary.

The primary separator tank is when compressed air leaves the filter and is mixed with compressor oil. This mixture enters Separator Tank Primary in the first step to separate the oil from the occurred air.

Primary Separator Tank uses automatic separation and centrifugal force to Force the oil molecules together. At this stage, a large amount of oil removed in this stage and the separator tank also acts as an oil reservoir.

Separator Tank Secondary.

The secondary tank Separation filter compresses when the air leaves the primary tank. This is oil-free and the remaining oil mixed with the air when coalescing filter air entered the Separator Tank Secondary. This Filter has a membrane material that collects the remaining oil particles. Then the remaining oil particles extend the oil around into the primary oiling method.

Oil Filter

Air Filter

It must contain an oil filter because it has a closed-loop oiling system. The main job of the oil filter is to gather any loose particles collected from the entry of the air compressor system.

Oil filters may be located in different locations called compressors, mounted rollers, or separator tanks.

So These are the points you want to know about Rotary Screw Air compressors.

Rotary screw air compressor VS Reciprocating air compressor

Rotary Screw Air Compressor vs Reciprocating Air Compressor -Which Is Better?

Comparing of Rotary Screw Air Compressor vs Reciprocating Air Compressor

Do you have any idea about these two standard air compressors? Yup, that is a Rotary screw air compressor and Piston or reciprocating air compressor. In this blog, we will show the comparison and performance of the Rotary screw air compressor and Reciprocating air compressors.

Everyone in the business field has this major question in their mind Should I buy a Reciprocating or a Rotary screw? Mutually both of the compressors create compressed air but it depends upon the application so we will explain it briefly.

What Is the Dissimilarity between the Reciprocating Air Compressor and Rotary Screw?

Both of the compressors produce compressed air utilizing positive displacement, These compressors compress air mechanically to reduce its volume but the mechanics or engine is different.

Reciprocating Air Compressor

Reciprocating air compressor

This air compressor is also known as a piston air compressor.

Pistons were used in the mid-1600s, Now these are largely used in industry, and Similarly, the same compressor was used during the 1800s 

The reciprocating air compressor engines are systematic and easy to maintain. They are adequate for applications.

Rotary Screw Air Compressor

Rotary screw air compressor

Rotary screw air compressors have been about since the mid-1900s. There are two rotors and a compressed air system present in the Rotary screw air compressor.

The air is pulled into the chamber and squeezed into a smaller space. The rotors turn and are continuously compressed in this process. There are a few moving parts in the rotary screw air compressor and mainly this air compressor is more reliable.

Which Is the Best Reciprocating Compressor or Rotary Compressor?

Reciprocating or Rotary doesn’t matter and it’s all depending upon how the compress is used? How much compressed you need and the environment is also part of it.

Mainly you want to know about the pros and cons of Reciprocating or Rotary compressor 

Reciprocating Air Compressor & Rotary Air Compressor

Pros of Reciprocating Pros

  • High trustworthiness
  • Silent function
  • 80-99°F Cooler interior working temperature 

Pros of Rotary 

  • More extended life
  • Easy maintenance
  • Low initial money investment 
  • Can be run in sheltered outdoor or polluted circumstances

Cons of Reciprocating 

  • Loud and noisy level up to 100 DB
  • high temperature and hot up to 150- 200 F

Cons of Rotary 

  • Lower CMF
  • Periodic use (20-30% duty cycle)

Both have pros and as well as cons so it depends upon the situation and also depends upon your application

When to Use a Reciprocating?

This is the type of air compressor which is best for when the air is worked intermittently by using short bursts. The reciprocating air compressor is the best little machine shop, building sites, and other small companies. This compressor is to run blow off and cleaning, sandblasting, airbrushing, Check Tire Pressure.

There is one main advantage of this air compressor is when the compressor is running continuously or at maximum capacity, it will not be damaged.

It’s being sized by 50% higher than the actual CFM to let the compressor avoid excessive heat from the motor.

When to Use a Rotary?

A rotary screw air compressor is best for heavy-duty work and continuous air and it is otherwise called a heavy-duty air compressor. These are the pillars of industry, big construction, and road construction work. It is designed to produce continuous air and flow of consistent air.

Mainly the air produced by the rotary is cleaner than the reciprocating and mostly it is the best choice for paint tubes and packaging.

Rotary screw compressors can work under extreme conditions like high temperature or lower temperature the machines can work in urban-rural areas.

They are designed to have more power and extremely high tools and are easier to maintain. The rotary screw air compressor has 70% fewer parts and it turns lower maintenance.

Buying the air compressor is good but want to choose the best air compressor and Air compressor dealers. 

Elgi Rotary air compressor

Complete Guide for Elgi Rotary Screw Air Compressor – 2021

Rotary Screw Compressors are powering manufacturing worldwide. If you look at the construction and industry you definitely can find Air Compressors over there and most of them are using Elgi Rotary Screw Air Compressor. Over India, 75% of the industry is using Elgi Rotary Screw Air Compressor. So what is the special feature of Elgi? Why all are using Elgi? Why are Top  Air Compressor dealers in Chennai recommending Elgi? The Answer: Everyone can understand the basics of the Elgi air compressor easily. So that everyone prefers Elgi brands. Actually, it is very simple.

What Is a Rotary Screw Air Compressor?

The rotary screw air compressor is otherwise called a Twin-screw air compressor. Mainly lots of industries require a big amount of high-pressure air so they choose the rotary screw air compressor. A rotary screw air compressor does a screw type of mechanism to compress air by volume.

What Is the Principle Elgi Rotary Air Compressor?

Let’s move on to some basic principles of Rotary screw air compressors. The Elgi Rotary air compressor mechanism is like rotary type positive displacement. The screw part consists of a variety of shapes and grooves There are rotors in the air compressor which is male rotor and female rotor oil free piston compressor
  1. Oil-lubricated rotary screw air compressor the male rotor is handled by motor or engine, and the female rotor is handled by a male rotor.
  2. Oil-free rotary screw air compressor a gear controls the timing between the male and female rotor 

How Does Elgi Rotary Screw Air Compressor Work?

Elgi Rotary screw air compressors work a positive displacement process and that includes air pulling into a chamber. Compressed air is made by reducing the volume in the chamber. Rotary screw air compressors particularly use positive displacement with spiral screws.
  • The screws allow a hydraulic seal to compress the air. The most common rotary screw air compressor and the steps are
  • The first step is air entering the machines through the inlet valve. Perfectly, that will clean the air of unnecessary dust but you want to keep the machine in the right place.
  • The next step is air will move into the pressure controller line and It goes through the regulator valve, which sets the air pressure.
  • To combine into a mist, oil and air move into the compressor.
  • The air compressor travels the machine’s rotary screws.
  • Then an air and oil mist exists in the air compressor and enters into the oil separator tank.
These are the basic structure of the Elgi Rotary Screw Air Compressor. Get Quote to know more information and pricing details about air compressors 

About Us

Shaktiman Equipments Pvt Ltd (formerly known as Pioneer Generator Pvt Ltd is one of India’s leading energy & Air engineering solutions company). It has a presence across a wide range of businesses as a Distributorship for Air compressor sales, service of ELGI Equipments Ltd, and Original Equipment manufacturer of Diesel Generator for Tamilnadu & Pondicherry. Additionally, the company offers Rental services for all its products, including Godrej Forklifts and Smarta [MLT].

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