Air Compressor and Their Uses.

In India Air compressor Market value is around $1.84 billion in 2018 and It is expected to grow 6.92% in 2020-2025. So the fact is every industry in India is using air compressors for their business

Read this blog carefully. There are many uses of air compressor and here there are some.



Construction sites mainly used air compressors to power drills, hammers, and compactors. Power from an air compressor is essential on the construction without the help of electricity; petrol and diesel air compressors provide continuous power.

Agriculture Agriculture

Agriculture and Farms needs an air compressor with steady and clean air.

To complete the farming and agricultural operation needs a Generation of Air compressor power tractors or pumps.



These are the main Uses of Air Compressor talking about air compressors and want to talk about rotary screw equipment.

Rotary screw ensures the pharmaceutical production produces clean, contaminant-free. It simultaneously powers the sprayers and belt conveyor.



Air compressors are used for industry, mining, or quarrying. Usage of Air compressors in this mining is pretty high. Most air compressors store pressurized air to drive a motor produces good quality production and reliability. Mostly Heavy-duty air compressor is used in mining.

An air compressor that can manage tight spaces, dust & debris. It is mandatory for the mining industry.

Spray Painting

Spray painting

A small air compressor is used to sprinkle painting by powering airbrushes to private and commercial use.

Airbrushes in the air compressor range from fine desktop brushes for repainting vehicles and other equipment.



Paintball guns are connected to an air cylinder that uses an air compressor to fire resources. powers air guns are used in this compressed air are filled in this gun. When the trigger is pressed compressed air will automatically pull the paintball.

Energy Sector

Energy Sector

Oil drilling is one of the Uses of Air compressors. Oil drilling depends on air compressors for functionality in the energy sector. 

The crew safety must be an imperative of safe and trustworthy air compressor drilling in an oil rig operation.

Uses of air compressor oil drilling are different with spark-free delivery and constant outputs.

Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)

Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning(HVAC)

Heat pumps and air systems of HVAC units normally have rotary screws.

Rotary screw compressor control vapor compression refrigeration that compresses air vapors and raises the temperature.

Pressure Washing

Pressure Washing

Pressure Washing is one of the Uses of Air compressors. It is used to pump large pressured water through pressure and for more efficient cleaning of stain removal and Pressured cleaning.

This is Uses of Air Compressor at any time a pneumatic tool an air compressor can fix it whether it industry, mining or Quarry it doesn’t matter air compressor is mandatory for industries.

Elgi Screw Air Compressor

How Does Screw Air Compressor Works?

Here we will explain a screw air compressor technology. What Is A Screw Air Compressor And What Is The Basic Working Principle?
ELGi Screw Compressors

In 1930s screw element was developed. There are two rotors in screw compressor male and female rotors, its working back-to-back but different direction which means the male rotor drives the female rotor.


If it’s an oil-injected in screw compressor technology and a timing gear both rotors in the oil-free compressor technology as both rotors will run harmonically with minimum calculated clearance between both elements.

The male and female rotors are rotating in the opposite direction which produces energy. Comparing Male rotor Vs Female rotors: The female rotor has typically the number of valleys than the male rotor lobes.

When Oil is injected into Rotary Screw Compressor?

Low Maintenance:
Oil Coated parts have more life expectancy. Most of the cases rotors of rotary screw processor never have to be replaced.

Running a long time of compressor with the help of Cooled oil because the compressor is cooled by the injected oil so water-cooling is not needed for screw compressor.

Preventing the air from seeping out.

Noise Reduction:     
The oil lubricates is moving to all parts so less friction is produced.

Cost-Effective and Efficient:
Used to design premium efficiency air ends and integrated Heat recovery systems in the screw air compressor. ELGi screw air compressors have a lot of features it will help to increase performance rotary screw compressor like flexible, powerful and efficient.

Efficiency and Reliability:
Our screw air compressors have been designed to provide top efficiency and reliability. It is used to low & high air pressure system and controlling as well as harsh conditions.

Selection of rotary screw air compressors:
Shaktiman Equipments Pvt Ltd has all shapes and sizes of rotary screw air compressors:

Oil Free Two Stage Air Cooled
Oil free two stage air cooled
Oil Free Two Stage Water Cooled
Oil Free Two stage Water Cooled
  • Power range From 2.2 – 500 kW
  • Oil-free and oil injected
  • Portable air compressors
  • Fixed Speed
  • Air-cooled and water-cooled options
  • Available advanced control systems.
As a Generator and air compressor dealers in all over Tamil Nadu most of Chennai, Madurai and Coimbatore. Shaktiman equipment has screw air compressor solutions. If you need a solution? Contact Us Today! Know more information On Screw air compressor technology, Click Here

About Us

Shaktiman Equipments Pvt Ltd (formerly known as Pioneer Generator Pvt Ltd is one of India’s leading energy & Air engineering solutions company). It has a presence across a wide range of businesses as a Distributorship for Air compressor sales, service of ELGI Equipments Ltd, and Original Equipment manufacturer of Diesel Generator for Tamilnadu & Pondicherry. Additionally, the company offers Rental services for all its products, including Godrej Forklifts and Smarta [MLT].

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