What Are the Types of Air Compressors

What Are the Types of Air Compressors? – Shaktiman

An Air compressor is a device that converts power from diesel, electric, and gasoline engine into potential energy stored in compressed air. Based on the pressure delivered, types of air compressors are classified. 

  • The Air Discharge Pressure of 150 pounds per square inch is under Low-pressure air compressors 
  • The air discharge pressure of 151 to 1,000 pounds per square inch under Medium-pressure air compressors  
  • The air discharge pressure is above 1,000 pounds per square inch under High-pressure air compressors 

According to this threshold and work requirements, air compressor types are defined.

4 Most Common Types of Air Compressors and Their Uses

4 Types of Air Compressors

There are four common types of air compressors with their unique features & capabilities.

  1. Rotary Screw Compressors
  2. Reciprocating Air Compressors
  3. Axial Compressors
  4. Centrifugal Compressors

All the air compressors fall into two categories. One is Positive Displacement and another one is Dynamic Displacement. 

The above 4 types of air compressors come under either Dynamic or Positive.

What Is Positive Displacement Air Compressor? 

A mechanism of the Positive Displacement air compressor is to draw air into the chamber. Then the volume of this chamber decreases which will compress the air. A valve will open, and the air is then discharged into the outlet system once maximum pressure is reached. Rotary screws and reciprocating air compressors fall under this division. 

What Is a Dynamic Displacement Air Compressor? 

Dynamic Displacement air compressor speeds up the air to high velocity and then limits the airflow from the chamber. Because restriction in rate causes pressure to increase. Axial Compressors and Centrifugal Compressors fall under this division.

1. Rotary Screw Compressors

Rotary Screw Air Compressors are compressors that use the mechanism of rotary-type positive displacement mechanism. It mostly comes to replace piston air compressors in industrial areas. Because the industrial application needs a large amount of compressed air.

2. Reciprocating Air Compressors

A reciprocating air compressor is also the type of positive displacement compressor in which air is sucked into a chamber and compressed with the help of a reciprocating piston. There are four kinds of Reciprocating Air Compressors

  • Single acting Reciprocating air compressor
  • Double-acting Reciprocating air compressor
  • Single-stage Reciprocating air compressor
  • Double-stage Reciprocating air compressor.

3. Axial Compressors

An axial Air Compressor is an air flow-based air compressor in which airflow or gas flows parallel the axis of rotation, or axially. It converts the circumferential component of flow into pressure with the help of the stationary blades to slow the fluid. 

4. Centrifugal Compressors

Sometimes Centrifugal air compressor is also called radial compressors or impeller compressors.  By adding energy to the continuous flow of fluid through the impeller, high pressure is achieved.

These are the four types of air compressor and their work mechanisms. Based on the requirement of your business you can buy suitable air compressors from the right air compressor dealers.

Rotary screw air compressor VS Reciprocating air compressor

Rotary Screw Air Compressor vs Reciprocating Air Compressor -Which Is Better?

Comparing of Rotary Screw Air Compressor vs Reciprocating Air Compressor

Do you have any idea about these two standard air compressors? Yup, that is a Rotary screw air compressor and Piston or reciprocating air compressor. In this blog, we will show the comparison and performance of the Rotary screw air compressor and Reciprocating air compressors.

Everyone in the business field has this major question in their mind Should I buy a Reciprocating or a Rotary screw? Mutually both of the compressors create compressed air but it depends upon the application so we will explain it briefly.

What Is the Dissimilarity between the Reciprocating Air Compressor and Rotary Screw?

Both of the compressors produce compressed air utilizing positive displacement, These compressors compress air mechanically to reduce its volume but the mechanics or engine is different.

Reciprocating Air Compressor

Reciprocating air compressor

This air compressor is also known as a piston air compressor.

Pistons were used in the mid-1600s, Now these are largely used in industry, and Similarly, the same compressor was used during the 1800s 

The reciprocating air compressor engines are systematic and easy to maintain. They are adequate for applications.

Rotary Screw Air Compressor

Rotary screw air compressor

Rotary screw air compressors have been about since the mid-1900s. There are two rotors and a compressed air system present in the Rotary screw air compressor.

The air is pulled into the chamber and squeezed into a smaller space. The rotors turn and are continuously compressed in this process. There are a few moving parts in the rotary screw air compressor and mainly this air compressor is more reliable.

Which Is the Best Reciprocating Compressor or Rotary Compressor?

Reciprocating or Rotary doesn’t matter and it’s all depending upon how the compress is used? How much compressed you need and the environment is also part of it.

Mainly you want to know about the pros and cons of Reciprocating or Rotary compressor 

Reciprocating Air Compressor & Rotary Air Compressor

Pros of Reciprocating Pros

  • High trustworthiness
  • Silent function
  • 80-99°F Cooler interior working temperature 

Pros of Rotary 

  • More extended life
  • Easy maintenance
  • Low initial money investment 
  • Can be run in sheltered outdoor or polluted circumstances

Cons of Reciprocating 

  • Loud and noisy level up to 100 DB
  • high temperature and hot up to 150- 200 F

Cons of Rotary 

  • Lower CMF
  • Periodic use (20-30% duty cycle)

Both have pros and as well as cons so it depends upon the situation and also depends upon your application

When to Use a Reciprocating?

This is the type of air compressor which is best for when the air is worked intermittently by using short bursts. The reciprocating air compressor is the best little machine shop, building sites, and other small companies. This compressor is to run blow off and cleaning, sandblasting, airbrushing, Check Tire Pressure.

There is one main advantage of this air compressor is when the compressor is running continuously or at maximum capacity, it will not be damaged.

It’s being sized by 50% higher than the actual CFM to let the compressor avoid excessive heat from the motor.

When to Use a Rotary?

A rotary screw air compressor is best for heavy-duty work and continuous air and it is otherwise called a heavy-duty air compressor. These are the pillars of industry, big construction, and road construction work. It is designed to produce continuous air and flow of consistent air.

Mainly the air produced by the rotary is cleaner than the reciprocating and mostly it is the best choice for paint tubes and packaging.

Rotary screw compressors can work under extreme conditions like high temperature or lower temperature the machines can work in urban-rural areas.

They are designed to have more power and extremely high tools and are easier to maintain. The rotary screw air compressor has 70% fewer parts and it turns lower maintenance.

Buying the air compressor is good but want to choose the best air compressor and Air compressor dealers. 

Gas Compressor vs Air Compressor Find Which Is Best

Gas Compressor vs Air Compressor. Find Which Is Best?

In short, An compressor is a pneumatic device that converts power by using an electricity, diesel, or gasoline engine into a pressurized air called a compressor. This two have the biggest competition gas and air compressor.

Next step everyone had this question: Which is the best?Gas compressor or air compressor? Which compressor to choose and which is right for business?

Oh! it’s getting complicated, let’s dig it out. A gas or air. Which compressor is gonna win? let’s see & read with consciousness.

Benefits of Gas Compressor

Benefits of gas compressor

Natural gas compressor: Everyone can know about this but also you want to know about CNG compressor and RNG Compressor.

So What are CNG and RNG? Do you have any ideas? Ok! CNG is nothing but compressed natural gas. RNG is renewable natural gas. To be simple taking biogas and moving compressed natural gas into a grid or providing a fuel station for natural gas vehicles defining the

CNG and RNG are at their best outdoors in remote areas and they can provide regular pressure, long-lasting compression, and strong power. The natural gas compressor is a wide range of strong compressors by using natural gases like biomethane, etc. Without no need to plug the power source it has more mobility so can place the compressor in the best location and is unrestricted by other access elements. It can maintain its most powerful efficiency level while running at as low as a 30% full load.

Benefits of Air Compressor

Benefits of air compressor

Before talking about air compressors, I want to explain that air is a useful tool.

This pneumatic device can have many different accessories, making it multiple tools. It is also a small and quiet tool and has many types like a Piston, oil-free air compressor, portable air compressor, Reciprocating and Rotary air compressor, etc.

It is lightweight and will comfortably fit in any space.

The portable is significantly less noisy than a gas.

Pros and Cons.

Gas Compressor Cons

The first cons of the natural gas compressor are it can produce highly dangerous gas. All gas compressor types are at risk indoors.

Natural gas compressors like CNG and RNG-type air compressors have lower life maintenance. Gas compressors have a high risk of fire accidents. The gas compressor is very loud and the level of noise can affect your employees.

Gas Compressor Pros

A gas compressor is typically good and it performs outdoors.

It tends to be more expensive and seems to be the biggest drawback when you buy a gas compressor.

Air Compressor Pros

Air compressors have an individual advantage because they can operate in any situation. It runs smoothly and quietly. Air compressors can work continuously and work best in industries.

It is less expensive and adding an air compressor with air filters, water filters are easier. Usually, it is more powerful and has a higher air capacity (CFM output).

Air Compressor Cons

If the air filter doesn’t change regularly it will end at risk.

Maintenance of air accessories is important.

Gas vs Air: Let See Who Wins?

In the end, air compressors are much better than gas. So investing money in an air compressor is best and also less expensive compared to a gas compressor when you buy a compressor for business or industry. We suggest Elgi is the right option. For more information ask experts.

Top 5 Energy Saving Tips for Your Air Compressor

Top 5 Energy Saving Tips for Your Air Compressor

Air compressors are vastly important to all power plants. Although in certain cases operating pneumatic tools is simply comfort. In other cases, the air compressor is important for the power plant, for example, air-operated control valves and Filter fabric cleaning system.

However, big industries need an air compressor and it will take a big amount of power.

So In this blog, we will guide you on some interesting tips for energy saving to your air compressor.

Tips #1: Reduce  the Pressure

Reduce Pressure

Reduce pressure whenever possible and also Assess system requirements. Reducing the pressure in the air compressor can save 1.6% in operating expenses. If an engine or part is manufactured at a lower pressure than the air compressor system normalizes operating pressure and mainly equipment will waste the air.

Reducing the exit pressure of installed regulators to reach the specification.

Tips #2: Apply Alternative for Air

Air compressor is immediately available for industry and it is cost-effective. The overall effectiveness of an air compressor can be as low as 10% to 15%

The only solution is using a fan or modifying an air conditioning system to cool the part in the air compressor and it is likely to be low expensive in the long-lasting run than the installation of a compressed air cooler.

Vacuum systems are much efficient and safe for cleaning than compressed air and the Electric tools are low expensive to Work with than their pneumatic counterparts.

Tips #3:Utilize Cooler Intake Air

More solid air requires less energy to compress. Most air is located in industry and mining factories. According to some measures reducing the intake air temperature from 90F to 70F will be reduce operating costs.

Tips #4: Draining Moisture from an Air Compressor.

This step is important to assure air quality for system loads. An industrial air compressor must drain using manual drain valves to remove water from the compressor.

Tips #5: Change Filters on Time.

When replacing air filters, it is compulsory to maintain the condition of the air. Mainly it is the best energy-saving chance. If the air filter has not been changed for a long time it needs a service. Assure on-time service for your air compressor.

This is the Top 5 Energy Saving Tips For Your Air Compressor. In case want to buy an air compressor contact the best air compressor dealers.

Elgi Rotary air compressor

Complete Guide for Elgi Rotary Screw Air Compressor – 2021

Rotary Screw Compressors are powering manufacturing worldwide. If you look at the construction and industry you definitely can find Air Compressors over there and most of them are using Elgi Rotary Screw Air Compressor. Over India, 75% of the industry is using Elgi Rotary Screw Air Compressor. So what is the special feature of Elgi? Why all are using Elgi? Why are Top  Air Compressor dealers in Chennai recommending Elgi? The Answer: Everyone can understand the basics of the Elgi air compressor easily. So that everyone prefers Elgi brands. Actually, it is very simple.

What Is a Rotary Screw Air Compressor?

The rotary screw air compressor is otherwise called a Twin-screw air compressor. Mainly lots of industries require a big amount of high-pressure air so they choose the rotary screw air compressor. A rotary screw air compressor does a screw type of mechanism to compress air by volume.

What Is the Principle Elgi Rotary Air Compressor?

Let’s move on to some basic principles of Rotary screw air compressors. The Elgi Rotary air compressor mechanism is like rotary type positive displacement. The screw part consists of a variety of shapes and grooves There are rotors in the air compressor which is male rotor and female rotor oil free piston compressor
  1. Oil-lubricated rotary screw air compressor the male rotor is handled by motor or engine, and the female rotor is handled by a male rotor.
  2. Oil-free rotary screw air compressor a gear controls the timing between the male and female rotor 

How Does Elgi Rotary Screw Air Compressor Work?

Elgi Rotary screw air compressors work a positive displacement process and that includes air pulling into a chamber. Compressed air is made by reducing the volume in the chamber. Rotary screw air compressors particularly use positive displacement with spiral screws.
  • The screws allow a hydraulic seal to compress the air. The most common rotary screw air compressor and the steps are
  • The first step is air entering the machines through the inlet valve. Perfectly, that will clean the air of unnecessary dust but you want to keep the machine in the right place.
  • The next step is air will move into the pressure controller line and It goes through the regulator valve, which sets the air pressure.
  • To combine into a mist, oil and air move into the compressor.
  • The air compressor travels the machine’s rotary screws.
  • Then an air and oil mist exists in the air compressor and enters into the oil separator tank.
These are the basic structure of the Elgi Rotary Screw Air Compressor. Get Quote to know more information and pricing details about air compressors 

About Us

Shaktiman Equipments Pvt Ltd (formerly known as Pioneer Generator Pvt Ltd is one of India’s leading energy & Air engineering solutions company). It has a presence across a wide range of businesses as a Distributorship for Air compressor sales, service of ELGI Equipments Ltd, and Original Equipment manufacturer of Diesel Generator for Tamilnadu & Pondicherry. Additionally, the company offers Rental services for all its products, including Godrej Forklifts and Smarta [MLT].

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