Crown PTH 50 Series Hand Pallet Truck 2.3 tonne

The Woods
Cinque Terre
Mountains and fjords

Crown PTH 50 Series Hand Pallet Truck 2.3 tonne

4.5 ratings

Product Detail:


2.3 tonne



Last Loading Height

For Ground movement



Product Description

A Hand Pallet Truck with Exceptional Long-Term Value Hand pallet trucks should be durable, not disposable. Therefore, the Crown PTH Series offers superior quality, serviceability and durability that exceed the toughest application needs.

Godrej Stainless Steel Pallet Truck 2 tonne

The Woods

Godrej Stainless Steel Pallet Truck 2 tonne

4.5 ratings

Product Detail:


2.0 tonne



Last Loading Height

For Ground movement



Product Description

Corrosion Resistant material movement Easily handle loads up to 2 tonne with the strong and high tensile steel forks equipped Godrej Pallet truck. All parts are made of SS 304 grade stainless steel where exposure to saline and corrosive fluids is present. The hydraulic pump is designed to be efficient and easy to maintain. This pallet truck is equipped with easy to operate 3 position lever which ensure a fatigue free lowering and lifting operation, boosting productivity. Tandem load rollers are provided to ensure that the pallet truck has constant contact with the ground, even on uneven surfaces. It also provides uniform distribution of load on the rollers, thus increasing their life.

Godrej Tandem PU Rollers Pallet Truck 2.5 tonne

The Woods

Godrej Tandem PU Rollers Pallet Truck 2.5 tonne

4.5 ratings

Product Detail:


2.5 tonne



Last Loading Height

For Ground movement



Product Description

Rugged and Reliable for material handling Easily handle loads up to 2.5 tonne with the strong and high tensile steel forks equipped Godrej Pallet truck. The hydraulic pump is designed to be efficient and easy to maintain. This pallet truck is equipped with easy to operate 3 position lever which ensure a fatigue free lowering and lifting operation, boosting productivity. Tandem load rollers are provided to ensure that the pallet truck has constant contact with the ground, even on uneven surfaces. It also provides uniform distribution of load on the rollers, thus increasing their life.

About Us

Shaktiman Equipments Pvt Ltd (formerly known as Pioneer Generator Pvt Ltd is one of India’s leading energy & Air engineering solutions company). It has a presence across a wide range of businesses as a Distributorship for Air compressor sales, service of ELGI Equipments Ltd, and Original Equipment manufacturer of Diesel Generator for Tamilnadu & Pondicherry. Additionally, the company offers Rental services for all its products, including Godrej Forklifts and Smarta [MLT].

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Phone: 044- 24420592
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